Counselor's in Training registration is open!
We love our Cit's -
Responsibility, helpfulness, and enthusiasm is what we look for -
Our Cit's are put in a position to succeed
AM - time with groups, or special activity (cooking, swimming, fishing & boating etc.)
PM - Half the afternoon with a group the other half enjoying time with the other Cit's
The Cit program is a success when they feel helpful; but also have time for the extremely important values of socializing with peers and participating in camp activities.
We all want to have fun in the summer - they especially do!
We hope our Cit's can do at least 3 consecutive weeks;
(I understand this is not always possible - that's ok - sign up for what you need)
Some Cit's will be here all summer - some for just a few weeks
And yes - they are included on our field trips when applicable!!!!!
COST - Weekly (Own Trans) - $320.00 Weekly (Camp Trans) - $400.00